
MagicSnap is a passion project of mine that I started thinking about in late 2023. My robotics team was using teamsnap to manage our team at the time and none of us were happy with the experience. I remember thinking "Hey, I could probably make something better than this." and that envolved into this!

How do I join?

Right now MagicSnap is in alpha and isn't quite ready for active use. If you are interested in joining any way, please reach out to me on Discord and I will get you and your team setup with an account!

MagicSnap is now in a depreciated state. I had a ton of fun making it but several key services it relies on (Astro Studio and Cloudflare free email workers) have been remove and as such it's no longer feasible for me to maintain this. If you reallllly want to use this then feel free to send me an email ( and I would be happy to work with you to get this setup for your team :)

I would also highly recommend checking out the Github repo and taking a look at how it all works under the hood


Right now MagicSnap is in alpha and subject to rapid changes but here is a general list of the features that are currently implemented and are on the roadmap:

Feature Description Added
Sign-in with Slack Allows you to sign in with Slack! Fully Functional!
Team Creation Allows you to create a team and add team members. Fully functional!
Event Scheduling Allows teams to schedule and manage events and competitions. Finished! Awaiting user feedback
Team Management Allows teams to manage their team members and roles. Fully Functional
Team Annoucements Allows teams to make announcements to their team members via email. Finished!
FRC Dashboard Integration Enable easy adding of team members to your FRC Dashboard! WIP